Language Acquisition, Processing and Disorders (LAPD)

New publications

New Publications

Tskhovrebova, E., Zufferey, S. & Tribushinina, E. (2022). French- and Russian-speaking teenagers’ mastery of connectives: The role of vocabulary size and exposure to print. Applied Psycholinguistics, 1−23. Doi:10.1017/S0142716422000303.

Tribushinina, E., Niemann, G., Meuwissen, J., Mackaaij, M., & Lahdo, G. (2022). Teaching foreign language grammar to primary-school children with developmental language disorder: A classroom-based intervention study. Journal of Communication Disorders. Online first, DOI:

Tribushinina, E. & Mak, P. (2022). Production of pronoun gender by children acquiring Russian as a minority language: Comparison with the effects of developmental language disorder. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 27, 309–335.

Tribushinina, E., Dubinkina-Elgart, E. & P. Mak (2022). Effects of early foreign language instruction and L1 transfer on vocabulary skills of EFL learners with DLD. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, DOI: 10.1080/02699206.2022.2076261.

Tribushinina, E., Willemsen, M., Kramer, E., & Mak, P. (2022). Incremental processing of prenominal modifiers by three-year-olds: Effects of prototypicality and referential contrast. In R. Levie, A. Bar-On, O. Ashkenazi, E. Dattner & G. Brandes (Eds.), Developing Language and Literacy: Studies in Honour of Dorit Diskin Ravid (pp. 81–103). Springer Nature. [Literacy Studies 23]