Language Acquisition, Processing and Disorders (LAPD)



De legpuzzel van een taalontwikkelingsstoornis: Vroeggeboorte, slaapproblemen en rokende moeder mogelijke voorspellers Interview on the findings of the recently published paper Boerma, T., Ter Haar, S., Ganga, R., Wijnen, F., Blom, E., & Wierenga, C. J. (2023). What risk factors for Developmental Language Disorder can tell us about the neurobiological mechanisms of language development. Neuroscience…

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New NWO grant

Tessel Boerma has been awarded an Open Competition (V) grant for the project From brain to behavior: cascading effects of early brain, cognitive and motor development on language ability in children born extremely preterm. For more information see here (Round 4).

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New NWO grant

Elena Tribushinina has been awarded an Open Competition (M) grant for a project on bilingual advantages in foreign language learning. For more information see here.

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PhD defence Emma Everaert

On April 26, Emma Everaert defended her doctoral dissertation entitled “‘Language Impairment and Executive Functioning in Children: The 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome as an Etiologically Homogeneous Model for Developmental Language Disorder”. (see newsletter)

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Lecture on UCU Accent Project (UCU’s 20th Anniversary Festival)

Hugo Quené and Jocelyn Ballantyne are on the program of University College Utrecht‘s 20th Anniversary Festival with a lecture entitled The UCU accent project: what’s unique about UCU English? (See The UCU accent project studies phonetic convergence in a multilingual environment. For a majority of students and teachers at University College Utrecht English, the…

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Recent publications

de Boer, J.N., Voppel, A.E., Begemann, M.J.H., Schnack, H.G., Wijnen, F., & Sommer, I.E.C. (2018) Clinical use of semantic space models in psychiatry and neurology: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. (online 8 June 2018) Chen, Ao, Peter, V., Wijnen, F., Schnack, H., & Burnham, D. (2018). Are lexical tones musical?…

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Presentations at ICIS 2018

Group members Maartje de Klerk, Ileana Grama, and Frank Wijnen presented at the International Congress of Infant Studies (Philadelphia, 30 June – 3 July): Maartje de Klerk, Duco Veen (UU, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences), Elise de Bree (University of Amsterdam), & Frank Wijnen. Assessment of individual phoneme discrimination performance in dutch infants using the…

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